The New Patient Process
Make an Appointment.
You can make your first appointment for the initial exam by calling/texting or booking right online. After booking, you will receive an email with the initial paperwork that is to be completed prior to the first appointment. The paperwork is submitted online. No need for printing.
Initial Exam
Step 1: Consultation
This is a conversation with your chiropractor about what brought you in, the goals you desire, and how chiropractic can help.
Step 2: Nervous System Analysis
Using sensitive scanning technology, we will objectively measure any stress on the autonomic nervous system and motor nervous system. The autonomic system controls your organs, glands and blood vessels- all the functions you don’t have to think about, like breathing. The autonomic system also controls your immune system and your ability to deal with stress. The two technologies that we have to measure autonomic nervous system function are an infrared thermography scanner and a heart rate variability (HRV) monitor. To measure the electrical signals going to the motor nerves in the muscles we utilize EMG. All of these scans can be done in under 10 minutes and don’t emit anything into the body.
Step 3: Digital Posture Assessment
Taking a detailed look at your current posture can highlight the areas your body is holding too much tension or compression leading to compensation and imbalances in your body.
Step 4: Spinal Analysis
This is where we assess your function and find the physical cause of symptoms. We taking a look at your range of motion and finding any blockages in proper movement. We will do orthopedic testing and muscle testing when applicable.
Step 5: X-Ray
In circumstances where seeing imaging of the spine is necessary you will be referred out to get x-ray imaging prior to your first adjustment. This is necessary with major trauma/car accident, fracture, instability, severe nerve interference, disc-slippage, etc. is present or suspected.
If x-rays are not needed, you will receive your first adjustment right after the initial exam. This is included to the initial exam price of $180.
2nd visit: Report of Findings
We will go over the findings of your exam and talk about what it all means. Your doctor will make a care recommendation based on your specific needs. We will go over different payment options and find a way forward into chiropractic care that you can afford and make work within your schedule.